OSCOLA Referencing

Answered By: Stefanie McDade
Last Updated: 04 Sep 2024 Views: 9285

Getting Help with OSCOLA

We have lots of OSCOLA help and guidance on our Citing and Referencing for Law Library Guide.

In particular, we always recommend that law students have a look at our interactive OSCOLA tutorial, as this may have the answers you are looking for.

If you have a specific issue which is not covered in our Library Guide, you can make an appointment with a Law Librarian.

Creating OSCOLA footnotes in Microsoft Word

To create an OSCOLA footnote: 

  1. Open up a Microsoft Word document and start typing your document.
  2. When you are ready to insert a reference, select the References tab. 
  3. Put your cursor in the relevant place of your text.
  4. Select Insert Footnote in the ribbon at the top.
  5. A superscript number will be inserted and you will also be able to start typing your footnote at the bottom of the page.

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