Finding h-index in Scopus

Answered By: Rhav Lutchman
Last Updated: 12 Sep 2024 Views: 3341

About the h-index

  • h-index is a number which represents a combination of a number of publications and the number of citations of those publications
  • h-index is subject specific and should not be compared across different disciplines
  • h-index increases with time and so early career researchers are disadvantaged
  • not all authors will have a h-index calculated for them by Scopus and Google Scholar
    • Scopus: publications need to be indexed by Scopus (Scopus applies rules to selecting publications to index) for a h-index of an author to be available (if publications are not indexed, a request for indexing may be submitted)
    • Google Scholar: a profile must be created by an author before h-index can be provided by Google Scholar 
  • it is possible for an author to only have a h-index in one, Scopus or Google Scholar, and not the other
  • Google Scholar h-index will generally be higher than Scopus h-index
  • h-index is not calculated by CRO team

Step 1

On the City Library website search for Scopus. 

The Scopus record searched in CityLibrary Search. A link to Scopus displays as the first result.

Login with your City username and password.

You don't need to set up a free account, so ‘Continue as guest’ or click ‘x’ to close the pop-up message.

Step 2

To find h-index of an author, select the Author radio button, then fill in their surname, first name and select ‘Search’. 

The Scopus Author search screen, performing a search in the fields Last name - Brown, First name - John.

Depending on the author’s name, there may be a number of results retrieved and it will be necessary to find the correct entry.

The author results screen. There are a number of checkboxes in the Refine Results section such as Source title, Affiliation, or City.

You can narrow the search using a number of filters on the left hand side of the screen.
Note: Authors are not always affiliated with the correct institution.

Step 3

Click on the selected name. If it's not possible to click on the selected name, there is no author’s account associated with that entry. It may be that there is another entry in the list of results pointing to the same author which entry is selectable. Check the list of results carefully and be aware of the filters applied and possible incorrect affiliations applied.
A results list of Authors from the search John Brown shows variations of this name with different affiliations.

Note: If multiple entries for a same author exist, it is possible to request a merging of these entries. This can only be done by the author.

Once the author’s details are displayed, a few listed publications should be checked against the list of publications on the author’s academic profile to ensure correct Scopus profile has been reached.

The h-index is displayed as a figure in the section headed h-index.

The Author Details page for Brown, John, C. the h-index is 35 and can be found in the section headed h-index.

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