What is CRO?
City Research Online enables our academic staff and researchers to record the bibliographic details of their research and make open access copies available. It is comprised of City University London's open access Institutional Repository and our research publications database. Our publications database records bibliographic data for City's research outputs, and the open access repository makes our researchers' work freely available online.
The Publications team check all uploaded papers to ensure they are compliant with copyright law and publishers' licences, they will get in touch with the author/s if there are any issues.
Enquiries about City Research Online
Direct users to the City Research Online (CRO) LibGuide:
www.city.ac.uk/library --> Library Guides --> Library Services Guides (RHS) --> City Research Online
It gives an overview of CRO, information about Open Access, why the University requires Open Access deposit of academics’ papers, and links to University and government policies.
Enquiries about CRO should be passed on to the Publications Team: publications@city.ac.uk.
Martina Baldi, Rhav Lutchman, and David McTaggart monitor this inbox and will respond to as soon as possible.
Don’t refer users to their personal email addresses; they will get a quicker response from publications@city.ac.uk.
How to deposit
Step-by-step instructions on how to deposit papers are available on the City Research Online LibGuide under Elements database help.