How to listen to text in PressReader

Answered By: Jessica Wykes
Last Updated: 11 Nov 2024 Views: 102

PressReader provides interactive, digital access to thousands of newspapers and magazines from around the world including titles in over 50+ languages.

Press Reader includes a 'Listen' tool so you can hear the article text read aloud by your computer or device.

  1. You can access the tool by selecting the listen icon within the publication issue details.
    A screenshot of the publication details for Elle in PressReader. There is a speaker icon labelled listen which is highlighted.
  2. Alternatively, you can switch to text view and select the more... icon (three dots) in the article you wish to listen to. 
  3. This will open a menu where you can choose the listen feature.
    Two screenshots. The first shows an article in text view highlighting the more menu by the article title. The second screenshot show the expanded more menu, highlighting the listen option.

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