A selection of e-readers which can be used with some downloadable library formats are listed below:
- Thorium Reader available for Windows devices and Mac. You can use Thorium Reader on camps computers through AppsAnywhere. This reader works well with EPUB formats. Features include: change text size with reflow, switch background colour and theme, change fonts, text-to-speech (for EPUB only) and bookmarking.

- On City pcs you can download the TextHelp EPUB Reader to your desktop.
- Capti Personal. Change colour theme, font and access text-to-speech in the free version.
- RNIB Bookshare You must be registered with Student Health and Wellbeing and have a referral for alternative formats before we can set you up with an RNIB Bookshare account. All books which are labelled 'Read Online' can be opened in RNIB Bookshare's online reader which has text-to-speech, magnification, and a range of background colour and font options.
- Dolphin EasyReader for iOS and Android is an accessible reading app for people with dyslexia, blindness or low vision. It includes a text-to-speech reader and can be connected to your RNIB Bookshare account.