How to use Factiva

Answered By: Jessica Wykes
Last Updated: 11 Nov 2024 Views: 283

Accessing Factiva

You can access Factiva by searching CityLibrary Search or via the Databases A-Z list. If you require any support or training in using these databases please contact your Subject Librarian.

Performing a basic search

  1. Enter your keywords into the search box.
  2. To be more specific try using the Search Form.
  3. Select your date range from the dropdown.
    The Factiva search screen showing preceding steps 1-3.
  4. Use the limits below the search box to narrow by source, subject, region etc.
  5. Remove the default ‘English’ setting if you want to search for articles in different languages. Factiva covers content in different languages.
  6. Select the Search button.The Factiva search screen showing preceding steps 4-6.

Viewing your articles

  1. You can order your results by date or relevance.
  2. Select the hyperlinked headline to read the full text or listen to the article.
  3. Use the filters in the filter panel on the left hand side of the screen to narrow your results further.Factiva search results screen showing preceding features 1-3.

Printing and saving

  1. Select the articles you want to print, save or email by selecting the checkboxes boxes next to the headlines.
  2. From the toolbar select the following buttons to:
    1. View selected articles to read them all online.
    2. Email selected articles in html or plain text format.
    3. Format for printing and Format for saving. Both button options offer the following formats: Headline format, article format or search summary only.
    4. Download articles in RTF format.
    5. Download articles in PDF format.
      The Factiva search screen showing view, print and download options in preceding list.

Although there is no option to export to Refworks, Factiva does give you the option to save to Evernote at the top of the full-text article.

Please note that the length of time to store a single copy of downloaded materials from this resource in machine readable form is limited to 90 days only. See details below for more information.

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