Citation and reference tracking using Web of Science


Access Web of Science. Citation and reference tracking involves selecting key studies you have found and, for each of these, browsing studies that have cited them and browsing references that your key studies have used themselves. This may help you to find studies that you did not find through your database searches. 

  1. Select Cited References
  2. Select Cited Title from the field menu
  3. Enter the title of a study in the search field
  4. Press the Search button
    Web of Science Cited Reference search form showing steps 1-4 in the list above.
  5. Click on the title of the study.Web of Science result showing step 5 in the list above.
  1. The number of citations for this study will be displayed. Select the hyperlinked number to view the citations.
  2. The number of references used by the study is also displayed. Select the hyperlinked number to view the cited references.
  3. Select the hyperlinked author’s name(s) to view other studies by the author.
    Web of Science result showing steps 6-8 in the list above.


  • Last Updated 30 Sep 2022
  • Views 125
  • Answered By Jessica Wykes

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