Creating Journal Table of Contents alerts in Ovid Online


Table of contents alerts can be set up to provide automatic email notification of the contents of the latest issues of selected journals. You can create content alerts for journals available through the Ovid Online platform. 

  1. From the home screen select the Journals button.
    Ovid homepage showing the Journals button described in list step 1 above.

  2. To search for journals either: 

    1. Enter the name of a journal.

    2. Filter by title (this allows you to search alphabetically).

    3. Filter by subject.
      The journal search options described in list steps 2 a-c above.

  3. When a journal(s) is/are listed select the title of the journal you want to follow.A list of journals i.e. Diabetes described in list step 3. 

  4. The contents of the latest issue available will be listed. Options on how to set up your alert will be listed in the links at top right of the screen. It is recommended to set up your alert as an ’eTOC’.
    ETOC link described in list step 4.

  5. Enter the email address you want the alerts sent to.

  6. Using the radio buttons choose if you want to receive them in text or HTML format.The sending options described in list steps 5 to 6 above.

  • Last Updated 20 Feb 2023
  • Views 19
  • Answered By Jessica Wykes

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