How to access Practical Law

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Last Updated: 10 Aug 2022 Views: 1395

  1. Follow the link to Practical Law from our Database A-Z page: This should take you to the PLC homepage.
  2. Identify the link labeled Sign in (in top right hand corner).
  3. Selecting this will bring up the OnePass sign in box.
  4. Select the link at the bottom of the box, under the login fields, which offers the option to Access through OpenAthens.
    Practical Law's OnePass sign in box. Details in preceding steps.
  5. On the OpenAthens page look for the heading 'Find your organisation'. In the search box labeled 'search' type the name of your organisation 'City' and the select City, University of London from the list of options which appear below.OpenAthens sign in box. Details in step 5.
  6. Opening this link will take you through to the IT login screen. The IT login screen varies depending on whether you're on campus or in City web space. The format in which you need to enter your username and password may vary depending on the version of the login screen you see. Please see our How do I log in Ask Us for guidance.
  7. Once you have logged in you should be taken back to the PLC homepage, you will now be signed in and ready to use PLC.
  8. If you want to open links from PLC that lead to Westlaw you will also need to have Westlaw already open in another browser tab from this direct link to Westlaw login page.

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